In future can we bring back the extinct animals.

In future can we bring back the extinct animals .

In world their are many scientists trying to invent technology to bring back the dead animals in future. Now their are number of methods or ways to bring back extinct animals. Such as cloning, back breeding, iterative evolution, Genome breeding this are the methods or ways to bring back extinct animals.

In this methods cloning and genome breeding is most commonly use for this experiment. Cloning is best method for bring back extinct animals. Most of peoples thinking now what is cloning ? It's simple meaning is the process of creating or generating identical copy of a cell or organism. 

Their are some extinct animals scientists or researchers want to bring back from dead by cloning such as dado bird, passenger pigeon, Caspian tigers, woolly mammoth, the labrador duck, freshwater dolphin etc.
woolly mammoth 

Their is lot question on bringing back the extinct animals and most peoples search at to google that are can we bring back dinosaurs ?
The dinosaurs are extinct from earth 66 million years ago. The dinosaurs bones can survive millions of years. But after 66 millions years there DNA does not remain Today. But scientist trying to recreating dinosaurs by using cloning and genome editing method. But today recreating a dinosaur is not possible. But in future it could be possible. Because the technology is moving fast.

The another most important question why bringing back extinct animals is good ? Because when their species was lost ,the forest lost main driver of regulations cycle and it will never been the same. Reviving the extinct animals or species then they could help us to preserve biodiversity and possibly as a the whole ecosystem.

One day it will possible to bring back all or number of extinct animals by science and technology. Because the technology is improving day by day. 

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